A fantastic complement
Mini Bingo is a fantastic complement to our bingo tickets that provides both more excitement and higher profit. Seize the opportunity to, in addition to the regular bingo game, give players an extra dimension with a chance at additional prizes. The organiser decides the rules of the game.
Examples of how to use Mini Bingo
Mini Bingo is based on the last announced number at full strip in every regular game. If the bingo number matches any of the three numbers under the tab, tick the number. The player who gets to tick off all three numbers first has won.
1. The last announced bingo number must be among the three Mini Bingo numbers on your ticket.
2. If no one gets Mini Bingo during the regular playing time, an extra game is played on the small bingo card. Bingo on a single line pays off. If several players receive Bingo at the same time, the organizer decides how the prizes are to be distributed.
Above is just one example of many on how to use Mini Bingo.
Set size: 1 set is 1,000 tickets
Number of different tickets: 24,000
Colours: Blue
Options: The tickets are delivered with text and numbering.
Delivery time: A minimum of 5 business days. For delivery in less than 5 business days an express fee will be added.
Size: 116×60 mm