Logga: Sandéns Security Printing

Security Printing

with a concealed winning message

Scandinavias largest security printing manufacturer

Sandéns Security Printing works with printing, graphic design, information management and advertising. We are certified in the highest security classification possible, meaning our presses uphold the standards of printing the highest prize categories within Sweden and the rest of Europe.
We feature a wide product portfolio and have substantial experience in many different business sectors. We offer high quality for security printing manufacturing of bingo cards, security classified lottery tickets, scratch cards and telephone cards.
Our customer network extends around the world, varying of both small and big companies. This makes us a brand with a big spectrum of working environment.

Range of products


Lottery tickets, scratch cards and bingo cards

Lotterier är det bästa sättet för föreningar att finanseria sin verksamhet. Vi har en rad olika produkter som är färdiga att använda.


We have produced telephone cards for most operators around the world for nearly 15 years. Our great experience and extensive competencies make us a reliable and effective supplier.
Rikslotterier & högvinstlotter

State lottery tickets and high prize scratch cards

We are certified to the highest security classification to produce lottery tickets and scratch cards. We have a long and great experience in producing nationwide lottery tickets and scratch cards for countries across Europe.
Reklam & marknadsföring

Advertising & merchandising

Lottery tickets and scratch cards are an effective way to engage customers with your business and for your products to stand out. Today, we supply to some of the world’s strongest brands.
Transport & access

Public transport & access

We supply both digital and analogue tickets and access solutions to public transport networks in many countries across northern Europe. We also offer access solutions to local and international events, including restaurants and car parks.

Data handling

Regardless of if you own a shop or sell products over the internet, it is always more desirable and effective to have physical gift cards, gift vouchers, discount coupons or loyalty cards. We have everything you need to strengthen relations with your customers.
Internet & lotterier

Internet & gaming

To operate online gaming and scratch cards, high security systems with many layers of protection are required to secure against online risks.


Vi har en lång och gedigen erfarenhet inom tryckeribranschen och säkerhetstryck. Vare sig det gäller telefonkort till en stor operatör, rikstäckande lotterier, kollektiv­trafik­lösningar osv så kan vi hjälpa er.
  • Our organisation

    Sandéns Security Printing is one of Scandinavia’s largest producer of lottery tickets, scratch cards, bingo cards and telephone cards.

  • Our security

    Many of the products which we at Sandéns work with demand a high emphasis on security. Security is a top priority which permeates throughout our organisational activities.

  • Our production

    With over 60 years’ experience in printing and graphic design, we are experts in what we do. We create tailor-made products and solutions to meet our customers’ demands.

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